About Durham Eyeglass Company
Durham Eyeglass Company is the Bull City’s alternative to the growing large corporate store monopoly of boring eyewear. It is not only boring but often takes a long time to make.
We are proud to cut all prescription lenses on site in our state of the art lab. We not only offer the designer brands that you’ve come to love over the years, but we also offer some of Durhams most unique eyewear styles not found anywhere else! This is a way you can stand out ensuring that you remain an original work of art.
Importantly, we always allow you to reuse any glasses frame you have, regardless of where it was purchased – and the best part is in knowing you’ll never have to go without your glasses in order to have new lenses installed.
All frames and lenses come with a one year warranty at a minimum without having to pay extra for an extended warranty! What our patients love is that many glasses orders are ready to wear within as little as 1 to 3 days depending on your prescription
Our team is here for you!

Matty Patty
Matty is a Durhamite and has been in the optical field for more than 20 years. He is our on-site optician that will cut your lenses!

Dr. Stuart McCracken
Dr. McCracken is a Durhamite and a Graduate of Duke Medical School. He has been practicing for over 40 years!

B.W. Phillips Jr.
Contact Lens Specialist
B.W. Phillips has 25 years of experience. He specializes in difficult contact lens fittings in patients of all ages.